Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Spider-man 3 comes out in one week and by all means looks like the best one yet! Main reason: It has Venom in it. Also it has several other villians like Sandman and the two Green Goblins.Peter Parker will be challaneged now more than ever. He wants to marry M.J. but harry will get in the way. He wants justice for his fathers death. And he will take it our on Peter. Theres also Pete's new rival Eddie Brock who begins takin pictures of Spider-man and stubles onto his secret AND WHILE DOING SO becomes Venom. This is definately going to be the darkest and most action packed film of all of them.

Monday, April 2, 2007


Is guaranteed to be one of the top movies of the year! Two awesome directors Combined to make a back to back feature! Planet Terror a Robert Rodriguez film and Death Proof a Quentin Tarantino film are two films pack full of all the exploitative elements people dare to put in films such as Violence,sex,drugs, and alcohol. Planet Terror is about Earth being overtaken by zombie and a stripper over night must become a hero. Death Proof is a slasher film about a man who has a car that he can't die in if he is in the driver seat. The passenger however does not have this advantage. The man goes around picking up woman and killing them with his car. ALSO in between the movies their are fake movie trailers that were made by Tarantino and Eli Roth and others. The Point of these trailers are to let the people decide which movies they want made for the Grindhouse Sequel. One of the films Machete is a guaranteed selection. It's about a Mexican man hired by the FBI to go on dangerous mission where he is most likely to die. His weapon of choice is a machete of coarse. IN FACT he has a trench coat full of them over 20. This movie going experience is with out a doubt going to be one the most interesting exciting and gruesome movie going experiences in years.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Songs that Celbrate

3.The gods are the idols of the people.
4.They seem content with what is happening
5.OSHUN because it is talking about the communative process to the god.


300 WAS THE BEST MOVIE I'VE SEEN IN FOUR YEARS!!! Lord of the Rings being the prior. The graphic violence and awesome screen shots make this THE MOST artistic movie I have ever seen. The cinematography was incredible! There were some extremely realistic decapitations of heads and the severing of legs. I can gladly say this movie was nothing short of incredible. It was an extreme achievement in film and is guaranteed Oscar nominations. Maybe not best picture but plenty of technical ones. Please go see this movie.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


300 is coming out this friday!!! IT SHALL BE AWESOME! Critics are saying it's the best movie of the past decade and that is the most artistic film in years.From the creator of sin city you know it's going to be good! Plus you have these insane reviews completley boosting your excitement. Let's hope it lives up to the hype.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


WAS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR!!! I expected it to be funny but it was way more than expected! I wish more films would be made like this. The movie is about four friends who feel like their lives are going nowhere. So they decide to go on a road trip to the pacific. On the way they run into trouble with a real biker gang and the movie develops from there. I strongly suggest it! It comes out this friday so be sure to go see it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Women In Botswana...

Life for women in Botswana is very diffuclult. Not many have jobs so most of them stay home and be a "house wife". It is also said the woman have a problem of being beaten and raped. So life isn't neccesarily safe. There is also the fear of HIV in Botswana. So with women being raped it is likely their life expectancy is not very long.

As far as daily activities the women walk everywhere. They walk to church,home, and the market. The women are the ones who gather the food and beverages.The woman also help with the manual labour of drought relief program.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Last weeks episode of LOST was by far one of the greatest they've had!!!It showed what happened to Desmond when the hatch inploded. It was what noone expected. Desmond went back in time 2 years before he was on the island. It get's to the point where he makes a decision that was different from the one he made originally. He buys a ringto marry his girlfriend. But the woman who sells it somehow knows about everything he is supposed to do. She tells him about the decisions he has to make or the world ends. She tells him the world course corrects it self. He eventually is sent back to the island where he is given the ability to see the future. He sees lightning strike claires tent and sees claire drowing. When charlie asked him how he new to save claire he replied "I wasn't saving Claire Charlie, I was saving you." He told him he was the one in the tent when the lighting struck and that he went out to save claire but drowned in the process. Desmond has been saving him but says he can't do it much longer. He said the island was trying to kill him.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


24 IS AT IT'S HIGHEST THIS YEAR! It has been non-stop stress for Jack Bauer considering he had to kill one of his best friends to save a terrorists a nuclear bomb went off killing thousands,his brother was killed by his father, and his father is trying to kill him. Crazzzzzy day wouldn't you say.This show is so incredible i'm so glad to see that the writers haven't run out of material. Twist and turns at the peak of every episode guaruntee this to be the best season yet!!!I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


1.I thought the poems were too deep to understand.
2.He says this because he fears they will die that day
3.I honestly have no idea I didn't get the poem.
5.Not to sound repetive but i didn't get anything out of these because I DID NOT GET THEM...
6.A giant pine tree,a guy drinking and a guy running into deep water.
7.Better to live seemed most advising out off the three.
8.Yes I aGREE if you limit your hopes you cn follow the more important ones

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


GROSSEST MOVIE OF THEM ALL!!!! Of coarse you can expect this from the preceeding films in the trilogy. Saw III explains everything that has happened in the first two giving it one of the best stories of them all. I wouldn't say it's my favorite one however i would never say you shouldn't see it in fact i consider the trilogy a must see. WARNING TO ALL:if you are easily grossed out from watching people get tortured and/or suffering,"YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET!"

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

II and reflect

1.Good. The man knows what he wants.
2.Murder is the cause of the plague
3.Mothers giving birth to dead babies
4.He declares them to death.
5.He tells him the prophecy is true.
6.He killeed his father and married his mother.
7.He tells him Polybus is dead.
8.The messanger tells Oedipus the truth.
9.He is the son of the king.
10.He can no longer see joy in his life.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


BWOOOOOOOOWWWW BOOO BOOO BEEE BOOO BEEE BOO BOO!!!!!!!!!!LOST RETURNS FEBRUARY 7TH!!! I cannot wait for this night. I've been going bonkers since the winter finale of Lost. When the season returns next week we are supposed to find out what happens to henry gale and how jack got his tattoos!!!And later in the seaoson we find out why locke was in a wheelchair and what the numbers mean!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


1.The second one because it relates to true love which i believe does exist (wow how deep of me)
3.The author is telling about helen leaving her husband for Troy.
4. 1.she talks about helen leaving her husband
2.laughter that;s my own heart beat fast.
3.She talks about Aphrodite.
4.i turn paler than dry grass
6.If these were songs I promise you I wouldn't listen to them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I had a P.E. coach that was by far my favorite teacher not because of how he tought but because he truly was a friend. He was just as interested in film as I was which is very hard to find mainly because i'm too obsessed with film. He gave me tons of advice on how to succeed in the business mainly because he attempted the same career. He wasn't really anything like Drona but he was by far the coolest teacher ever. It's not too often that you can actually talk to teachers about stuff you liek and have them actually listen to you.



The Green Mile

I just watched The green mile the other day and it was easily one of the best movies I've seen. It's alot like The Shawshank Redemption by means of it being the same setting, Same director, and adapted from the same author Stephen King. This like Shawshank takes place in a prison where Tom Hanks stars as the main guard on Death row which the call The Green Mile. He's a man who never believed in miracles,That is until John Coffey came along. John Coffey has a special gift i won't tell you cause it may spoil the movie for you but i can tell you it's pretty incredible. This movie is easily one of my favorites and i strongly suggest it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Greek Culture

1.The Greeks were different becuase they had no ancient writings.
2.The gos were similar becuase they could show love,hate,and jelousy however they were different by being immortal.
3.Citezens could sugest laws that an asembly would debate much liek today.
4.Socrates,Plato,and Aristotle are considered the greatest thinkers of ancient Greece.
5.Boxing,wrestleing,javelin and races of all kinds.
6.It used symbols for sounds!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My expectations are high!!!

I am an extreme movie buff so I have high expectations for the summer releases and what not. Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End, Spider-man 3,Fantastic 4:The Rise of the Silver Surfer, and Transformers all coming out this summer.If you have seen the preview for Transformers your expectations will be very high as well. That movie looks simply AMAZING! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is guarunteed to be a smash hit. It has an extreme chance of hitting first place top all time box office again. Spider-man 3 wil battle Pirates for first place in my opinion. Also within the next few weeks the great tv shows will be on again LOST,HEROES, and 24 which has already started. I'm pumped for this new year!!!

Egyptian Literature!!!

2.The man was asking to be dead.
3.He wants Ra to be praised because Ra is the sun, the one who brings life to the people.
4.She dreams this way because she really wants to be married to this man.
6.Whenever I leave you,I go out of breath gave me the strongest sense of the speaker because the writer is expressing all of theyre feelings.
7.In one of the poems the love is dead and in the other the love is alive but wanted.
8.I believe all of our riches await us and they belive they must take them with them.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

thinking through Gilgamesh

1.he wants to be immortal
3.because he wants to live forever
4.because he was proud to be where the wise men were
5.because his friend died he wanted everyone to be immortal even more
6.he'll keep traveling and discover answers
7.Most don't want to die. And are afraid to.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Children Of Men

This was an awesome movie!!! The ending wasn't so great but the actual stroy never got boring. It was non-stop action and had a great script. The main plot is in the futue women stop having babies. It is the last generation. However one woman is found wh is pregnant. the rest of the movie is aobut taking her to the human project;a secret organazation that researches ways to repopulate the world. It's an awesome concept. I felt like there was alot of the story left out and like i said the ending could have been better but other than that it really was an excellant film.


Lord of the rings is a quest story because it starts off with the main character given a problem. He has too destroy a ring left to him by his uncle. He then begins his long long looooooong questo to Mordor where Mount Doom the only place he can destroy the ring awaits him. Of coarse he goes throuh many obstacles where he encounters danger, death, new friends and new enemies.The overall quest is to destroy all evil.